naboo - kamino

Theed Spaceport, Naboo

The freighter, carrying Anakin and Padme, comes out of hyperspace and approaches the giant spaceport of Theed, Naboo. It lands at a huge industrial port. Emigrants begin streaming from the Starfreighter into the vast docking area. Included in the emigrants is Padme and Anakin, disguised as peasants, and R2-D2. They exit from the docking area and head to the main plaza where they board a speeder bus.

The speeder bus soon pulls up in the Grand Courtyard of Theed and stops. Padme, Anakin, and R2-D2 get out. The great courtyard stretches out before them and the sun sparkles off the rose-colored domes of the palace on the far side.

If I grew up here, I don’t think I’d ever leave.

Artoo whistles. PADMÉ laughs.
I doubt that.

They pick up their suitcases and start to cross the courtyard. Artoo trundles behind them.

No, really. When I started my training, I was very homesick and very lonely. This city and my Mom were the only pleasant things I had to think about … The problem was, the more I thought about my Mom, the worse I felt. But I would feel better if I thought about the palace – the way it shimmers in the sunlight – the way the air always smells of flowers…

…and the soft sound of the distant waterfalls. The first time I visited the Capital when I was a child, I had never seen a waterfall before and can remember how beautiful they looked … I never dreamed one day I’d live in the palace.

Well, tell me, did you dream of power and politics when you were a little girl ?

PADMÉ laughs.
No !! That was the last thing I thought of ! My dream was to help in the Refugee Relief Movement. I never thought of running for elected office. But the more history I studied, the more I realized how much good politicians could do. So when I was eight, I joined the Apprentice Legislators, then later on became a Senatorial advisor, with such a passion that, before I knew it, I was elected Queen. Partly because I scored so high on my education certificate, but for the most part it was my conviction that reform was possible. I wasn’t the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I’m not sure I was old enough. I’m not sure I was ready.

The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they tried to amend the Constitution so you could stay in office.

PADMÉ looks at the Jedi warily.
Popular rule is not democracy, Ani. It gives the people what they want, not what they need. And, truthfully, I was relieved when my two terms were up. So were my parents. They worried about me during the blockade and couldn’t wait for it all to be over. Actually, I was hoping to have a family by now … My sisters have the most amazing, wonderful kids … but when the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, I couldn’t refuse her.

I agree ! I think the Republic needs you … I’m glad you chose to serve. I feel things are going to happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways.

I think so too.

Naboo, Royal Palace

The pale-faced Queen Jamillia is seated on the throne, flanked by Sio Bibble and a couple of advisors from the Royal Advisory Committee. Four handmaidens, dressed in orange and puce robes stand close by, and guards are at the doors.

QUEEN JAMILLIA takes the Senator’s hands in hers
We’ve been worried about you. I’m so glad you’re safe, Padmé.

PADMÉ Thank you, Your Highness. I only wish I could have served you better by staying on Coruscant for the vote.

SIO BIBBLE Given the circumstances, Senator, you know it was the only decision Her Highness could have made.

JAMILLIA How many systems have joined Count Dooku and the separatists ?

PADMÉ About two hundred. And more are leaving the Republic every day. If the Senate votes to create an army, I’m sure it’s going to push us into a civil war.

SIO BIBBLE It’s unthinkable ! There hasn’t been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic !

JAMILLIA Do you see any way, through negotiations, to bring the separtists back into the Republic ?

PADMÉ Not if they feel threatened. The separtists don’t have an army, but if they are provoked, they will move to defend themselves. I’m sure of that. And with no time or money to build an army, my guess is they will turn to the Commerce Guilds or the Trade Federation for help.

JAMILLIA The armies of commerce ! I remember the events that led to the Invasion of Naboo. Why has nothing been done in the Senate to restrain them ? (, tf.n)

PADMÉ I’m afraid that, despite the Chancellor’s best efforts, there are still many bereaucrats, judges, and even Senators on the payrolls of the Guilds.

SIO BIBBLE It’s outrageous. After all of the hearings, and the four trials in the Supreme Court, Nute Gunray is still the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Do those money mongers control everything ? (, T'Bone)

JAMILLIA Remember, Counsellor, the courts were able to reduce the Federation’s armies. That’s a move in the right direction.

PADMÉ There are rumors, Your Highness, that the Federation Army was not reduced as they were ordered.

ANAKIN The Jedi have not been allowed to investigate. It was considered to be too dangerous for the economy.

JAMILLIA Padmé, we must keep our faith in the Republic. The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.

PADMÉ Let’s pray that day never comes.

JAMILLIA In the meantime, we must consider your own safety.

Sio Bibble signals to the Royal Advisory Committee and all the other advisors and attendants bow and leave the room. He then turns to Anakin.

SIO BIBBLE What is your suggestion, Master Jedi ?

PADMÉ Anakin’s not a Jedi yet, Counsellor. He’s still a Padawan learner. I was thinking …

ANAKIN Hey, hold on a minute !

PADMÉ Excuse me ?! I was thinking I would stay in the Lake Country. There are some places up there that are very isolated.

ANAKIN is frustrated and annoyed. Excuse me ?! I am in charge of security here, M’Lady.

Sio Bibble and Queen Jamillia exchange a look. They quickly see that something is not right.

PADMÉ Ani, my life is at risk, and this is my home. I know it very well… that is why we’re here. I think it would be wise for you to take advantage of my knowledge in this instance.

ANAKIN Sorry, M’Lady.

SIO BIBBLE She is right, Anakin. The Lake Country is the most remote part of Naboo. Not many people and a clear view of the surrounding terrain.

JAMILLIA Perfect. It’s settled then.

Anakin glares at Padmé. Then Queen Jamillia gets up, and they all start to leave. The Queen’s handmaidens follow.

JAMILLIA begins to walk down the stairs.
Padmé, I had an audience with your father yesterday. I told him what was happening. He hopes you will visit your mother before you leave … your family’s very worried about you.

Padme grows concerned as they continue the descend down the main staircase. (

The love between ANAKIN and PADMÉ grows as they spend more time together on Naboo. (

Naboo, outside, fountain

[ ANAKIN and PADMÉ prepare to travel to a Lake Retreat where they'll visit PADMÉ's family. ]
ANAKIN and PADMÉ are talking together near a fountain in the city. ANAKIN is carrying two big suitcases and PADMÉ one. They carry shopping bags with bread, fabric and fruits (The Presents for PADMÉ's family in a middle class area of Theed ? (speculation).

Padawan Anakin and Senator Amidala in Theed

Naboo, Theed suburbs

They travel to this part of the City and that's where they meet PADMÉ's family - her sisters and her mother JOBAL and her father RUWEE. There are also scenes in the kitchen, ANAKIN's bedroom, and PADMÉ's bedroom. (

JEV NARRAN, a family friend of the NABERRIE's, visits. He has fond feelings for PADMÉ, which makes ANAKIN jealous ? (Speculation)

Anakin and Padmé

Whilst there, ANAKIN and PADMÉ share a tender moment ... but are interrupted by JOBAL and PADMÉ's older sister, who can clearly see that the two look at each other with fondness ( This concerns ANAKIN since Padawans are forbidden by the Code to enter into a personal relationship.

Sometimes, when you believe something to be real, it becomes real. Real enough, anyway... (tf.n, Speculation)

I am not going to give into this. I'm not going to throw my life away. I have more important things to do than fall in love. (tf.n)

It wouldn't have to be that way ... we could keep it a secret.

Then we'd be living a lie - one we couldn't keep up even if we wanted to. My sister saw it. So did my mother. I couldn't do that. Could you, Anakin ? Could you live like that ?

Silence for a moment.

...No, you're right. It would destroy us. (tf.n)

The Padawan muses.

Giving your life to the Jedi means giving your whole life ... (Anakin casting session, ; speculation)

PADMÉ suggests they retire to her isolated Senatorial Lake retreat.

Padmé Naberrie
Kamino, Water City Tipoca

Kamino is where the clones are manufactured. This planet looks like it's all ocean, and it rains all the time. All the 'cities' are built on top of the water, but they're supported by columns that go underneath the water. They look like oil platforms out at sea, but much more impressive. The cities look like that Alderaan capital city from Ralph McQuarrie's Illustrated StarWars book, only metallic. The main city is called Tipoca, the Water City. (the

The planet of Kamino is amidst a perpetual storm, winds rising past 30mph, and its ultramodern cities rest upon massive stilts to avoid the huge waves below. So hi-tech is Tipoca, the capital city, that all the furnishings and interiors seem to be made of pure light. (

The Kaminoan world is covered in water due to a natural disaster which had to do with techtonic plates. The Kaminoans were the only species to survive, but they were left without a source of food - that's why they developed cloning technology in the first place, to provide food ! (

The Kaminoans are really tall, and they have a fin that runs from their head to their back. They appear to be composed of light. They can only see in Ultra Violet, making some of their surroundings extremely stark in colour - usually white, red or blue. (tf.n, T'Bone,

A large winged creature, an ai-wha, flies past the city that rises above the violent seas. Rain pours down. (Forbidden Love trailer)

  Kamino, Tipoca, landing platform

When OBI-WAN and R4-D17, his Astromech droid, arrive at Tipoca, the Capital City, they are greeted by LAMA SU, the Prime Minister of the planet, and TAUN WE, his aide. (, tf.n)

TAUN WE's a free-flowing creature. She sort of flows, and talks the same way ; she is a creature of love and light. (SW Beacon)

Greetings Ambassador. I am Taun We, assistant to our grand president, Lama Su.

I trust you know of my arrival ?

Obi-Wan's arrival at Tipoca

Yes, your Council informed us. We have arranged our tour to suit your needs, Jedi Ambassador.

I appreciate your hospitality.

Let me show you around, you will be most pleased with our progress.

Your planet has technology which every corporation wants. I understand your need for secrecy.

President Lama Su has asked for your attendance at our unveiling of our clones.

I am honored. (tf.n)

We have been expecting your visit eagerly. (Speculation)

I'm expected ?

Of course ! He is anxious to see you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, this way ! (tf.n)

Kamino, Tipoca, plaza

They walk across a grand plaza where there is a rush of traffic from creatures, humans, droids and transports. The city is more of a business convention than a tourist attraction. However, it is very beautiful, the place gleams and glistens ! Most of the plaza has crystal structures as common place. The style is very aquatic, and nothing like the exterior of Tipoca (which is more industrial (speculation) ). The roof of the complex is glassed over, giving view to the sky in turmoil. The buildings, which soar up towards the roof, are rounded unlike Coruscant. They are bluish with curved window frames, and piping up their sides. It is all very majestic ! (tf.n)

The Kaminoans live here because of their water-based bodies. They hold the cloning secret because they're an extremely intelligent race who specialise in organic growth. The center of the plaza features a statue of a Kaminoan, probably the leader or founder of the race. A very large fountain embraces the statue with water projecting from a blue crystal-like structure, which is very shiny. The statuette is tall and thin with oval eyes on the side of its head. It is coloured grey with a funny looking nozzle that curves down the face. Its skin-like surface was wavy like water or wrinkles. Another race of aliens are present. They have short stumpy legs and rounded heads, and are important to the cloning facilities, maintaining the clones while they grew. (aldera)

Kamino, Tipoca, Conference Room

OBI-WAN is taken to a conference room to discuss matters at hand. There, OBI-WAN learns to his surprise that a CLONE army is being built here ! The Kaminoans are very kind to OBI-WAN ; they believe that they are producing Clone Warriors under a legitimate contract from the Republic, and they've even been contacted by a member of the Jedi Council to confirm this, a certain Master 'SIDO-DYAS', who also persuaded them to use the essence of JANGO FETT for the Republic`s clone armies. Kaminoan technology is highly advanced. Energy is harnessed to create environments that appear to be made of pure light.

Please tell your Master Sido-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. He is well, I hope.

I'm sorry ? Master ... ? (tf.n)

Kamino, Tipoca, Clone Laboratory

OBI-WAN is then taken to a clone laboratory with thousands of rows of giant test-tubes (the

Through a window, the Jedi Master sees hundreds and hundreds of test-tube like containers on round platforms and sticking out of the platforms from all angles. There are clear tubes all around the laboratory as well. (T'Bone)

Clones' kitchen galley Kamino, Tipoca, Clone Chambers

TAUN WE also shows him a clone hatchery (similar, but the clones fully formed), clone barracks, a clone commissary for dining, and a clone classroom. There are thousands (maybe billions) of them here. Everything looks like a production line in a giant laboratory. (The

OBI-WAN is shown the Clone classroom where all the little Boba Fett look-alikes are working diligently on their computers. They are all wearing blue-grey outfits. He is also given a little tour of a cafeteria where you see the 'soldier' Clones eating. They look about 20 years old. There are TONS of them all sitting there close together eating small portions. These clones wear the exact same tunics but in shades of red. Dark red underneath and a brighter red vest pull-over above. They also have a dark red patch on the shoulders. (T'Bone)

Kamino, Tipoca, JANGO FETT's apartment

After visiting a classroom full of identical boys, they come to an apartment. As they wait, OBI-WAN notes the door lock mechanism. Then the door opens, and a ten-year-old boy, BOBA FETT, looks at them. He is identical to the boys in the classroom.

TAUN WE inquires about the whereabouts of his father, and BOBA confirms that he's at home.

Boba, is your father here ?

There is a brief pause, then BOBA FETT nods.

TAUN WE (continuing)
May we see him ?


Another brief pause, then BOBA FETT steps aside, and TAUN WE and OBI-WAN go through. The boy allows them entry, and the three venture deeper into the apartment. A rough looking man comes to meet them, whom TAUN WE introduces as JANGO FETT, and the two men's eyes meet. (tf.n) They regard each other with suspicion, weighing the other up. BOBA FETT takes notice and studies them from the side (T'Bone).

TAUN WE welcomes JANGO back from some previous trip he's recently returned from and asks if the trip was productive.


TAUN WE gestures to OBI-WAN.
This is Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's come to check on our progress.

That right ?

There is much suspicion in the air.

Jango, you must be very proud, the clones are quite impressive.

I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.

Aren't we all ?

According to the Kaminoans, the DNA samples they use 'last' merely for 200,000 units. This is the reason that JANGO FETT must remain on Kamino, so the Cloners can take new samples when they've run out. JANGO goes on to say that a "Darth Tyrannus" contacted him for the cloning work whilst the mercenary was on the Mining Guild held Moons of Bogden. (

Coruscant, MACE WINDU's office, night

(Call sheets on

OBI-WAN reports by hologram to MACE WINDU and YODA. He tells MACE WINDU about the clone army being produced on Kamino, and also about SIDO-DYAS. YODA tells OBI-WAN to continue the investigation and urges him to find out more about SIDO-DYAS, specifically who he is working for ( MACE WINDU speculates that someone in the Senate may be involved, and this secret army is being created to start a war. (

Mace Windu
Senatorial Lake Retreat Naboo, Lake Retreat

We see the Lake Retreat, where ANAKIN and PADMÉ are staying. They need some privacy to sort through their feelings for each other.

Paddy Accu is the ferryman who takes ANAKIN and PADMÉ to the Lake Retreat in his Gondola Speeder. PADDY ACCU is also the ground keeper at the Retreat. NANDI and TECKLA are both housemaids at the retreat. (
[ Wild herbivore Shaak graze here, and ANAKIN playfully wrestles one. (ep-x) ]

Naboo, Lake Retreat, picnic

PADMÉ and ANAKIN share a picnic. ANAKIN enquires about her previous boyfriends, to which she protests he's teasing her.

PADMÉ laughs.
You're making fun of me.

Oh no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator !

I don't know...

Sure you do ... you just don't want to tell me.

Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me ?

They only work on the weak-minded. You are anything but weak-minded.

All right... his name was Palo. I was twelve. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older than I... very cute... dark curly hair... dreamy eyes.

All right, I get the picture ... whatever happened to him ?

I went to become a Queen. He went to become an artist.

Maybe he was the smart one.

PADMÉ laughs.
You're so bad !! (tf.n)

Naboo, Lake Retreat, Evening

PADMÉ and ANAKIN retire to the villa for the night. They have accepted the deep feelings they have for each other. Their shadows embrace on the wall, and they kiss. (Forbidden Love trailer, speculation)

Naboo, Lake Retreat, ANAKIN's bedroom

At the lake, ANAKIN tosses and turns in his bed and wakes up to a terrible nightmare concerning his mother. (

Naboo, Lake Retreat, balcony

The next morning, PADMÉ enters ANAKIN's room and find him on the balcony meditating. She turns to leave and he tells her not to go.

Your presence is soothing. (

ANAKIN and PADMÉ stand at the railing, looking out over the lake.

They walk along the garden terrace, having a conversation. They come to a stop at the end of the terrace, revealing a beautiful view over Naboo’s Lake Country. Their talking starts getting mellower, more relaxed. At one point they are looking deep into each others' eyes. Anakin touches her chin.

I used to think if you looked too deeply into glass, you would lose yourself.

I think it’s true...

He kisses her. She doesn’t resist. (, 'Forbidden Love' trailer)
But then she comes to her senses and pulls away.

I shouldn’t have done that.

I'm sorry.... When I’m around you, my mind is no longer my own.

It’s the situation … the stress …

ANAKIN looks at her.
…the view.

Anakin at the Lake Retreat
Kamino, Tipoca, FETT's apartment

OBI-WAN returns to FETT'S apartment, and, using the Force, unlocks the door mechanism. The Jedi Master cautiously enters. OBI-WAN investigates the room for any indication of its owner's identity. He soon leaves, meeting his Kaminoan hosts near the platform, sheltered from the harsh weather. (speculation)

82 INT. TIPOCA CITY, corridor, day

OBI-WAN stands with LAMA SU and TAUN WE just inside the open door. LAMA SU urges the Jedi to inform his Council that the first battalions are now ready. However, the Prime Minister reminds OBI-WAN that if they need more troops they'll need time to grow them. OBI-WAN assures him he won't forget. (C)

OBI-WAN leaves the shelter of the doorway, and prepares to climb aboard his starfighter. The Kaminoans return to the complex of the Clone Centre.

As the Jedi glances around, he spots JANGO FETT in full armour heading towards a nearby platform where he sees the odd-shaped ship, Slave 1, and the young boy, BOBA FETT, prepping it for take off. OBI-WAN immediately leaves his own ship, and runs to intersect JANGO before the mercenary can leave. (C).

Slave 1 Kamino, Tipoca, Landing Platform

He catches up to him on a landing platform where Slave 1 is docked in the pouring rain. ( JANGO and BOBA FETT are about to enter aboard Slave-1. JANGO FETT turns around and sees OBI-WAN with his lightsabre ignited. JANGO fires on OBI-WAN with his blaster. OBI-WAN deflects the bolt with his lightsabre. JANGO moves behind obstacles while continuing to fire. OBI-WAN side-shuffles while deflecting the bolts. OBI-WAN charges. JANGO opens up with both guns. OBI-WAN deflects the bolts again. JANGO takes off with his rocket pack as OBI-WAN tries to cut him down. JANGO fires down at Obi- Wan, but the Jedi deflects the bolts. JANGO continues to fire and lets loose with both guns as he flys backwards. OBI-WAN tries to deflect the bolts. He rolls away to avoid the bolts. JANGO flies behind a tower. JANGO fires the rocket from his jetpack. OBI-WAN is thrown by the explosion. JANGO flies away. OBI-WAN looks around for JANGO, who seems to have disappeared.

OBI-WAN turns around just in time to see...young BOBA FETT in the cockpit of Slave-1 taking aim at him. The guns fire, but the shot misses OBI-WAN. OBI-WAN drops his lightsabre, and suddenly JANGO jumps down from above. OBI-WAN recovers and jumps up; he kicks JANGO in mid-air. JANGO crashes back to the landing platform. OBI-WAN lands on his feet.
Boba Fett in the cockpit of Slave 1
JANGO quickly recovers and attacks. OBI-WAN blocks JANGO as he swings his gun up to fire ... and the two struggle for the weapon. They grapple over the blaster. OBI-WAN elbows JANGO hard in the face. OBI-WAN judo flips JANGO over his back. JANGO hits the ground hard but recovers as OBI-WAN moves to attack. JANGO traps OBI-WAN’s foot. JANGO spins OBI-WAN in mid air and brings him down. OBI-WAN retaliates with a sweep kick to JANGO's head, knocking him back. JANGO falls. OBI-WAN get to his feet. JANGO comes up and aims with an arm mounted blaster.
Jango Fett and Obi-Wan fighting OBI-WAN leaps over the blasts and onto JANGO's shoulders, pummeling him, then flicks himself back and over, flipping JANGO over onto his back. JANGO rolls to his feet. OBI-WAN recovers. JANGO moves in to attack, chopping at OBI-WAN's head, who blocks it. JANGO ducks a swing from OBI-WAN and grabs him round the midriff. JANGO sweeps OBI-WAN bodily off his feet and flips him over, bringing him down over his bent knee hard. OBI-WAN is momentarily stunned as JANGO spins and throws him bodily. OBI-WAN lands and skids over the wet surface. OBI-WAN comes to a halt and spots something: it’s his lightsabre.
JANGO suddenly appears, flying towards OBI-WAN. OBI-WAN gets up and reaches for his lightsabre. JANGO fires a cable. The cable wraps around OBI-WAN's hands, and he fails to catch his lightsabre. JANGO takes off with his rocket pack and pulls OBI-WAN, dragging him along the ground. OBI-WAN rolls to one side and manages to roll around one of the towers. OBI-WAN jumps up and wraps the cable around the tower. JANGO crashes to the ground. The rocket pack explodes into the building. OBI-WAN charges and kicks JANGO over the side of the platform. JANGO slides down the platform pulling OBI-WAN with him.
OBI-WAN is pulled down towards the edge of the platform. JANGO sees the edge and jams his forearm ‘claws’ into the surface. OBI-WAN sees the edge of the platform and slides past JANGO off the platform. Still tied to JANGO, OBI-WAN is hanging and JANGO is getting pulled down now. JANGO releases the cable and OBI-WAN falls towards the water, tied by his hands.

Obi-Wan slides to the edge of the platform
OBI-WAN reaches for a service platform and grabs it. He jumps onto the platform. Meanwhile, JANGO enters and climbs into his ship. OBI-WAN runs out onto the platform. He sees his lightsabre and summons it as he runs forward. The lightsabre flies towards him and he catches it. However, JANGO's ship already begins to take off. OBI-WAN takes a seeker pod out of his belt and throws it towards the ship. The seeker pod sticks to the side of the ship. OBI-WAN watches JANGO’s ship taking off in the rain.

Kamino, OBI-WAN's Quarters

Hologram - OBI-WAN (Call sheets on

Without delay, OBI-WAN hurries back to his ship and this time contacts Chancellor PALPATINE directly. He tells him everything he found out on Kamino ... ( [This may be inaccurate - it may be that PALPATINE intercepts his call]

Chancellor Palpatine in his office, with Sly Moore
Anakin and Amidala in the Royal Palace of Theed

Naboo, Theed, Royal Palace

ANAKIN's concern for his mother grows so strong that he decides to leave Naboo with PADMÉ and to head for Tatooine (much like Luke deciding to leave Dagobah to help his friends on Bespin). ANAKIN and PADMÉ make their way back to Theed where they meet QUEEN JAMILLIA. They tell her they have to leave immediately and she willingly gives them a ship. ( The ship is a stream-lined rocket shape, with tail-fins. (tf.n)

'retro-ship' design, image courtesy of Richard Cousins
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